HRX Innovation Hub | Heart Rhythm Society

HRX Innovation Hub

A digital platform dedicated to the advancement of innovation in cardiovascular medicine, with access to on-demand resources, expert discussions on new products and technologies, as well as live, pre-recorded presentations for all stakeholders.

Innovation Hub

Your Gateway to the Future of Cardiovascular Innovation

As part of the HRX Innovation community, you recognize that advancements and discoveries happen 365 days a year — not just during HRX live events. Introducing the HRX Innovation Hub, a collaborative space where conversations started at an HRX meeting continue online, and new discussions are initiated — deepening connections, building partnerships, and advancing cardiovascular medicine to improve patient care.

The HRX Innovation Hub aims to connect, inspire, and support cardiovascular innovators year-round. By providing meaningful content, co-created with industry partners, we envision this dynamic digital platform as a place where ideas ignite and the future of cardiovascular medicine takes shape.

And because the HRX Innovation Hub is a separate digital destination from other HRS platforms, it allows for deeper discussions and additional engagement opportunities with all cardiovascular stakeholders to explore the field’s latest innovations and emerging technologies.

Check out the recently launched HRX Innovation Hub for on-demand access to recorded sessions from HRX live events as well as live and pre-recorded webinars, podcasts, and more.

Then, be sure to revisit the HRX Innovation Hub regularly — brand-new content will be added frequently as we build a robust platform that continues to build on the spirit of innovation throughout the year.

Are you an industry partner interested in promoting your content on the HRX Innovation Hub? Learn more about partnership opportunities

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