Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal | Heart Rhythm Society

Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal

What's new? 
HRS Journal Portfolio Update (4/10/2024)

After a review of the HRS journal portfolio, the HRS Board of Trustees has decided to incorporate Heart Rhythm O2 and Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal into a new open-access journal concept to better align with the Society’s strategic plan and an evolving publishing landscape.
The reimagined journal will retain the primary title of Heart Rhythm O2 and will concentrate on advancing the objective of driving innovation, with a particular focus on global perspectives and cardiovascular digital health. Continuing the Heart Rhythm O2 primary title will allow the journal to maintain its current impact factor (IF). A new Journal Transition Task Force has been established to provide recommendations for facilitating support and establishing a structure for the new journal's success.
The last issue of Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal will publish in June 2024 and the submission portal will close on May 1, 2024
Additionally, the Board confirmed continued publication of Heart Rhythm and Heart Rhythm Case Reports while diversifying editors, reviewers, and authors as demonstrated with Heart Rhythm’s incoming editorial team.
In support of HRS’ commitment to driving innovation, the Society is exploring options for different formats of communicating and supporting innovation outside of traditional journal publications.
HRX 2024 AbstracX will be published in Heart Rhythm’s September issue (available online only). Likewise, a collection of articles focused on artificial intelligence will be published in Heart Rhythm’s June and September issues (online only).

Throughout the upcoming transition, authors are encouraged to continue to submit manuscripts to the HRS portfolio of journals.

Journal Podcast

Listen to the latest CVDHJ Podcast Dr. Hamid Ghanbari, Deputy Editor of the Journal, interviews the authors of published manuscripts as well as Though Leaders, to provide additional insights into the fast-paced field of cardiovascular digital health.  

Catch up on the latest episodes available on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast,

About the Journal

Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal - Aug 2021 Cover

The Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal is a gold open-access, online-only that publishes original, innovative, and practice-changing research on the rapidly evolving field of digital medicine across all areas of cardiology.

Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal publishes original, important, innovative, and practice-changing research on any topic connected with digital health and technology in the field of cardiology. Submissions of quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, economic and health policy research papers will be considered through a peer-review process.  The Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal is indexed in SCOPUS, PubMed Central and Clarivate. 

All the articles published in CVDHJ website are freely accessible- no subscription or login required.

David D. McManus, MD, MSci, FHRS, FACC, FAHA from UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA, is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal. With a focus on the rapidly evolving field of digital medicine across all areas of cardiology, the Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal publishes original, innovative, and practice-changing research on any topic connected with digital health and technology in the field of cardiology. 

Area of Focus

  • Artificial intelligence​
  •  Machine Learning
  •  Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality​
  • Clinical and research implementation​
  • Health behaviors and digital cardiology
  • Virtual healthcare and telemedicine
  • Health information & management systems​
  • Personalized health​
  • Robotic​
  • Sensors and wearable technologies​
  • Social media-based studies​
  • Signal processing​

As a gold open access Journal, the Cardiovascular Digital Health Journal serves the global cardiovascular digital health communities by providing information on the latest research and technologies related to cardiovascular digital health care.  The first issue was published in August 2020. 

Section of the Journal includes: 

  • Full-Length Articles - Original Clinical or Original Experimental 
  • Contemporary Reviews (Solicited and Unsolicited)
  • Study Designs/Research Methods
  • Case Reports
  • Short Reports
  • Perspectives
  • Images
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Editorial Commentary

Details about the requirements for each category are available in the Authors' Guide.  


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