Heart Rhythm Society Award Recipients | Heart Rhythm Society

Heart Rhythm Society Award Recipients

Each year the Heart Rhythm Society identifies and recognizes outstanding contributions to the field and to the Society. Congratulations to the following distinguished individuals.

Heart Rhythm Society Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

HRS stakeholders share a common passion for accomplishing our mission to end death and suffering from heart rhythm disorders.

We believe our diverse backgrounds, experiences and interests are assets in reaching that goal, and we are committed to providing an inclusive environment in all our activities, where everyone feels valued, respected, and welcome.

We strive to have organizational leaders who represent all aspects of our diversity and who promote the diversity, equity, and inclusion that are essential to our success.


Abstract Awards (Highest Scoring)

Council of Allied Professionals (NASPE/CAP) Award

Eric N. Prystowsky Awards

Founders Award

Furman Travel Scholarships

HRS Global Humanitarian Award in Memory of Dr. Ramasubba Lakkireddy

James H. Youngblood Excellence in Leadership Award

Lectureship Awards

Nancy L. Stephenson Award for Exemplary Industry/HRS Community Partnership

NASPE Distinguished Achievement Award

President's Award

Publication Awards

Recognition Awards

Research Fellowship Awards

Young Investigator Award Finalists

25 Years of Service Award

Membership Reminder