Committees and Councils | Heart Rhythm Society

Committees and Councils

The Society is fortunate to have dedicated and committed members who share their expertise and time to support its strategic initiatives. 

Heart Rhythm Society's Committees and Subcommittees

Accreditation and Assessment Committee

The Accreditation and Assessment Committee's purpose is to:

  • To maintain a favorable accreditation status with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
  • To assess and report learning and knowledge gaps to inform and direct content development to support the needs of heart rhythm disorder health care providers
  • To advocate and liaise with ABMS and ABIM on behalf of HRS.
Audit Committee

The Audit Committee's purpose is to provide independent oversight of the financial systems, management and reporting of the Society and the entities it controls (as defined by the IRS), including the Foundation.

Awards Subcommittee

The Awards Subcommittee's purpose is to reinforce the Society’s strategic image and positioning through its recognition awards.

CCEP Program Directors Committee

The CCEP Program Directors Committee's purpose is to enhance the quality of training for heart rhythm specialists.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee's purpose is to provide strategic direction, policy oversight, and business decision support for all Society communications efforts.

Compensation Subcommittee

The Compensation Subcommittee's purpose is to manage, on behalf of the Board, the performance of the Society’s chief staff officer.

Core Concepts in EP Committee

The Core Concepts in EP Committee's purpose is to leverage the Society’s foundational core curriculum in EP to meet the learning needs of all audiences.

Digital Education Committee

The Digital Education Committee's purpose is to develop diverse, innovative, engaging, user-friendly online content for the Society that is global in scope and embraces year-round learning.

Digital Health Committee

The Digital Health Committee's purpose is to provide guidance, recommendations and resources to HRS members about safely sharing and exchanging data with patients obtained from personal health records, cardiovascular implantable and remote monitoring devices and continuous, personal biometric monitoring (e.g., consumer wearable technology).

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee's purpose is to safeguard the Society’s reputation as an ethical organization.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee's purpose is to help the Board be an effective steward of the Society’s mission, brand and resources.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee's purpose is to help the Board discharge its fiduciary obligations.

Global Relations Committee

The Global Relations Committee's purpose is to represent the Society’s relationships between regional and national communities.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee's purpose is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the Society’s governance, including its current and future volunteer leadership.

Health Policy and Regulatory Affairs Committee

The Health Policy and Regulatory Affairs Committee's purpose is to promote high quality patient care and represent the legal, advocacy, regulatory, and clinical goals of heart rhythm specialists.

Heart Rhythm Program Committee

The Heart Rhythm Program Committee's purpose is to ensure the quality of the Society’s annual meeting as the leading worldwide source of information on heart rhythm disorders.

HRS TV Subcommittee

The HRS TV Subcommittee's purpose is to  guide the development of long term strategies for the Heart Rhythm Society’s online video channel(s) including, but not limited to, programming content, production methods, revenue generation, budgeting and staffing requests, partnerships and support of other HRS initiatives.  The Subcommittee will also implement and manage policies, processes and programming for all content published on Heart Rhythm TV and its supporting online properties (websites, social media accounts and channel integrations).

Journal Subcommittee

The Journal Subcommittee's purpose is to provide strategic direction, policy oversight and business decision support for official Heart Rhythm Society online and print journal publications, excluding editorial responsibilities.

Member Engagement Subcommittee

The Member Engagement Subcommittee's purpose is:

  • To involve members in high impact opportunities that enrich their experience and deepen their commitment, while increasing the Society’s reach and advancing its mission.
  • To develop a short and long-term plan that provides opportunities for every member of the Heart Rhythm Society who desires to be engaged with the Society the opportunity to do so.
Membership Committee

The Membership Committee's purpose is to ensure that the Society creates and sustains member value, and to recruit, engage and retain members.

Nominations Subcommittee

The Nominations Subcommittee's purpose is to recommend a slate of officers and trustees that supports the strategic goals of the Society and builds the leadership capacity of the Board.

Patient and Caregivers Committee

The Patient and Caregivers Committee purpose is to drive the Society’s patient-centered initiatives as the leading source of information on heart rhythm disorders for patients and their lay caregivers, including parents and other family members or nonprofessional caregivers.

Quality Improvement Committee

The Quality Improvement Committee's purpose is to shape the Society’s quality improvement activities.

Research Committee

The Research Committee's purpose is to foster, facilitate, and promote scientific investigation and collaboration within the HRS community and to serve the needs of the HRS membership participating in research.

Research Fellowship Awards Subcommittee

The Research Fellowship Awards Subcommittee's purpose is to oversee the Society’s program of full-year clinical and basic research awards.

Scientific and Clinical Documents Committee

The Scientific and Clinical Documents Committee's purpose is to oversee the development and endorsement of clinical documents relevant to the needs of heart rhythm professionals.

Young Investigator Awards Subcommittee

The Young Investigator Awards Subcommittee's purpose is to recognize outstanding young investigators for their contributions and potential in the field.

Heart Rhythm Society's Councils

Allied Professional Council

The purpose of the Allied Professional Council is:

  • To identify areas whereby the Heart Rhythm Society can coordinate the talents and strengths of Allied Professionals to better meet the needs of the Society’s Strategic Plan, as well as the needs of Allied Professional members.
  • To allow Allied Professional Trustees and committee members to organize, communicate, network and mentor potential Allied Professional leadership.
  • To serve as the central resource to HRS leadership to identify Allied Professional members with the knowledge and skills to best contribute to emerging initiatives.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council's:

  • Mission is to improve the care of all heart rhythm disorder patients by promoting diversity reflective of society and exercising equity and inclusion in patient care, research, education, and healthcare policies.
  • Vision is to build an inclusive and diverse Society which addresses heart rhythm disorders in all communities with the goal to end death and suffering related to these disorders and promote comprehensive education and diverse policies.
Education Council

The purpose of the Education Council is:

  • To strengthen the coordination of education-related activities across all content development groups of HRS, support the intentional review of the HRS education offerings at the enterprise level, and provide a collaborative forum for the development of educational curriculum strategy.
  • To ensure that the Society’s educational activities meet the current and future needs of its members and the field by providing oversight to the design, direction, and coordination of the Society’s content development groups.
  • To support of the Society’s education strategy and the overarching organizational strategic plan.

Membership Reminder