Leadership Nominations
The Nominations Subcommittee seeks your help with the slate of Heart Rhythm Society officers and trustees for the 2025 – 2026 term. We invite you to recommend candidates for four Board of Trustees (including an Early Career member), and the officer position of Treasurer/Secretary, now the first position in the Presidential Track.
The Abstract Chair, a new officer position, is available to current Board members who will be serving their second or third year on the Board. Self-nominations only are accepted for this position. Please contact governance@hrsonline.org for the Abstract Chair nomination form.
The nomination deadline is November 4.
The Nominations Subcommittee seeks your help with the slate of Heart Rhythm Society officers and trustees for the 2025 – 2026 term. We invite you to recommend candidates for four Board of Trustees (including an Early Career member), and the officer position of Treasurer/Secretary, now the first position in the Presidential Track.
The Abstract Chair, a new officer position, is available to current Board members who will be serving their second or third year on the Board. Self-nominations only are accepted for this position. Please contact governance@hrsonline.org for the Abstract Chair nomination form.
The nomination deadline is November 4.
Nomination Considerations for Nominators
- Nominators cannot nominate more than two candidates.
- Nominations shall last for two years; after two years a new nomination must be submitted.
- Executive Committee members are prohibited from submitting nominations or referral letters for Board or Officer positions.
Nomination Considerations for Candidates
- Candidates must be Heart Rhythm Society members (excluding Trainee, Emeritus, and Affiliate members and those primarily employed by industry).
- Early Career candidates must self-nominate; self-nomination is optional for all other candidates (please note separate Early Career nomination form).
- At-large members of the Nominations Subcommittee or the Governance Committee are not eligible to be nominated for elected office.
- Former Board members are eligible to be nominated, provided they have not served on the Board for at least two years following the year in which they last served on the Board.
- Candidates must submit current disclosure forms, to be reviewed by both the Nominations and Ethics Committees.
- Potential Board Members must agree to divest relevant relationships to ensure that their total disclosure amount is less than $100,000, and less than $50,000 with a single company, excluding research and fellowship support, prior to their start, and throughout their term, on the Board.
- Board members are ineligible to serve as Editor-in-Chief of another heart-rhythm-related journal.
- Current committee and subcommittee Chairs and Vice Chairs shall not continue these roles at the end of the term if elected to the Board.
For Board of Trustees Positions
Candidates to be considered include members who serve in existing HRS leadership positions (such as chairs for committee, subcommittees, task forces, working/writing groups and think tanks; team leaders; course directors; associate editors; and editors in chief.).
Candidates may include Society members who have not served in an HRS leadership position, but have experience or expertise that would be beneficial (i.e., represent a diverse aspect of members, exhibit unique skills or experience in the electrophysiology field; have demonstrated strong leadership in another organization, etc.) The qualities listed below are expected of all Board members.
• Understanding of the EP ecosystem
• Passion for the HRS vision
• Knowledge of some aspects of HRS and eagerness to learn more
• Confidence to speak up at board meetings and clearly express ideas
• Active listening skills
• Ability to work collaboratively internally and with other Societies
• Unique point of view and willingness to express contrary thoughts/opinions
• A diverse experience, honoring others with diverse experiences
• Willingness to make decisions and support the Board's decisions
• Strategic-thinking without micro-managing
• Forward-thinking with a tolerance for risk-taking
• Stewardship
• Willingness to exercise fiscal responsibility
• Commitment to be prepared for and attend all board meetings and calls
• Dedication to developing future HRS leaders
• Ability to maintain confidentiality
• Demonstrated exemplary ethical behavior
• Devotion to the greater good
For the Early Career Board Position
For Officer Positions
• Completion of a three (3) year term on the Board
• Commitment to devoting the necessary time for successful service
• Ability to work collaboratively with CEO and CFO
• Attention to detail
• Accountability
• Financial acumen
• Commitment
• Continuous learning
• Impact and influence
• Organizational knowledge
• Problem solving abilities
• Decision-making skills
• Ability to serve as a mentor/coach and willingness to be mentored
• Commitment to strengthening professional networks and leadership skills
• Internationally positioned
• Conflict resolution capabilities
• Consensus builder
• Coalition builder
• Change leader
• Well-known in the field
• Conducts efficient meetings
• Ability to solve problems and resolve crises
• Recognition that the President’s principal role is to implement the Strategic Plan
• Current Board Member who will serve their 2nd or 3rd year on the Board while serving as Abstract Chair.
• Recognition that the Abstract Chair term is a one-year, non-renewable term and that ascension to the Program Chair is not guaranteed.
• Previous experience on the Program Committee is desired but not required.
• Relevant educational program management experience Experience submitting, grading, or presenting abstracts.
• Experience developing educational content and related management.
• Experience leading a team of peers.
• Experience partnering with staff.
Nominations Review Process
The Nominations Subcommittee’s review will be conducted in two stages. An initial review will determine the candidates to be forwarded to the second stage based on a variety of factors (nomination letters, biographical sketches, disclosures, self-appraisal questionnaires, record of service to the Society and/or the profession, along with an analysis of the Board's commitment to diversity and requirements for specific skills, experience or knowledge). Those forwarded to the second stage will be interviewed by members of the Nominations Subcommittee. The final slate will be presented to the current Board members and then sent to the voting membership for approval.
Additional Resources
- Volunteer Competency Framework
- Board Service Agreement
- Trustee Job Description
- Board Liaison Job Description
- Abstract Chair Job Description
- Treasurer/Secretary to 2nd Past President Job Descriptions
Questions can be directed to governance@hrsonline.org.
Download Leadership Nomination Forms
Heart Rhythm Society Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
HRS stakeholders share a common passion for accomplishing our mission to end death and suffering from heart rhythm disorders.
We believe our diverse backgrounds, experiences and interests are assets in reaching that goal, and we are committed to providing an inclusive environment in all our activities, where everyone feels valued, respected, and welcome.
We strive to have organizational leaders who represent all aspects of our diversity and who promote the diversity, equity, and inclusion that are essential to our success.