Volunteer with HRS
The Society is fortunate to have dedicated and committed members with an interest in sharing their expertise and time to support its strategic initiatives. Learn more about how to become a volunteer.
Committee Appointments
Volunteer appointments with HRS are limited and highly valued. Committee, subcommittee, and task force appointments should be distributed as equitably as possible to ensure a manageable workload for individuals, expand opportunities for volunteer engagement, and avoid perceptions of favoritism.
The Call for Committee Volunteers is available twice a year, in the winter and the spring. Please be sure to read the FAQs for more information, as well as the following:
- Volunteer Code of Conduct
- How to be a Successful HRS Volunteer
- Guiding Principles for Volunteer Appointments
- Committee Member Job Description
- Committee Chair Job Description
View list of HRS committees, subcommittees, councils, and their charges.
Indicate your Volunteer Interests for opportunities that might arise during the year.
Board and Officer Positions
Inquiries can be directed to governance@hrsonline.org.
Heart Rhythm Society Statement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
HRS stakeholders share a common passion for accomplishing our mission to end death and suffering from heart rhythm disorders.
We believe our diverse backgrounds, experiences and interests are assets in reaching that goal, and we are committed to providing an inclusive environment in all our activities, where everyone feels valued, respected, and welcome.
We strive to have organizational leaders who represent all aspects of our diversity and who promote the diversity, equity, and inclusion that are essential to our success.