Scientist | Heart Rhythm Society


Scientist membership is for those who have advanced academic science or engineering degrees which reflect scientific training. Examples include those with Master’s, PhD or Eng SCD degrees (or equivalent) who hold faculty positions in academia or research positions with industry employers.

To apply, click on the membership that is right for you based on your location and where you are in your career.

MembershipRate (USD)
Scientist in the United States$310
Scientist Outside the United States:
World Bank High or Upper-Middle Income Countries

Scientist Outside the United States:
World Bank Low or Lower-Middle Income Countries

Learn more about the World Bank discount


Graduate student (non-MD, or equivalent) or post-doctoral fellow actively involved in research training

Learn more about Trainee membership

Free while in training

Incomplete Applications:

HRS charges a $50 fee for partial applications that are not completed within 60 days. HRS will email applicants who submit incomplete applications to let them know which information is missing. An example is a missing CV or resume. After 60 days, the application is closed, the provisional membership is terminated, and the membership deposit will be refunded, minus the $50 application fee.

Learn More About

Visit our Membership FAQs or contact the Membership Hotline at or 202-464-9855.

Membership Reminder